The group is by invitation only, all curated by Giovanni, and is made up of 162 members from around the world in diverse industries, and is roughly 50/50 men and women.

Giovanni curates the group by looking for entrepreneurs, coaches, artists, and practitioners who are sharing their gift to impact others, they have a reputation for the impact they’re making and a lot of transformation stories, they’re warm, kind, ambitious, humble and smart, they’re a “supergiver” and love supporting the other members, and they understand that the business will only grow as much as they do so they’re excited about personal growth as much as business growth.

We're currently talent scouting people who are on their way (or have surpassed) 10,000 hours of mastery in their domain, and now want to impact a lot more people by sharing their wisdom - especially on stages, as one of our Moonshots is to have a million people attend our events in the next 5 years and we want our speakers to come from our community.

We want experts in every niche that has to do with business growth, and personal development.

Giovanni’s mission is to provide Synergy members with what he calls ‘Cheat Codes’ - connections, expert advice, frameworks, resources, and support to achieve their goals faster and get back more of their time.He’s also a master of community building and curating amazing humans - like you.

What to expect...

Read on to get a feel for what being a part of Archangel Synergy might feel like for you.

The calls are a mix between the following sessions:

*If you can't make one of the calls, all of the replays will be shared you. 

Vivamus fringilla iaculis ex, et condimentum magna pharetra id. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam odio velit, egestas vel leo tempus, luctus dapibus mauris.

call categories


These are 1 hour sessions where Giovanni coaches 2-3 individual members through specific challenges and opportunities, in a way that's useful for all members.  


We'll bring in a guest expert to do a training or Q&A session on a specific topic, usually around scaling, operations, hiring/team building, marketing, audience building, leadership, peak performance, etc.after the Challenge - We'll start up the Community Activities with the launch of our Membership.


We'll often bring in a member of our Archangel Council group to share their wisdom with us (Council is my advisory board of entrepreneurs helping my guide the Archangel community).


Where Giovanni and members of Synergy shares their best practices or expertise with the rest of us

Quarterly Summit/Event
Starting May 2022

Every Quarter will have Special Events, allowing more exposure to people outside the Membership,
While engaging our Members with exciting activities.


Where we host small group breakout sessions on Zoom for members to connect more intimately, meet new members, and support each other through current challenges.

Once a year we host an annual Synergy mastermind experience where members get to spend 2 days learning from the most incredible speakers/trainers and masterminding with each other.

Archangel events are legendary, and our Synergy experiences are going to be tied in with upcoming film projects.

Our 2023 event was called MILLIONAIRE and took place October 12-13 in Toronto Canada.
(The premise - we want to redefine the word MILLIONAIRE to mean ‘someone who impacts millions of people’).

Our next 2-day Synergy annual event - Archangel MESSENGER - takes place May 29-30, 2024, in Austin, Texas.

We have a highly active private group for our members
to share resources and wins with each other
ask for support on current projects,
and get updates from Giovanni and the Archangel team
Once you join, you’ll have the opportunity to introduce yourself to the collective.


Giovanni loves to make dreams come true for Changemakers like you. 

This entire membership exists to help you collapse time between where you are, and where you’d like your business to be in the future.
We’ll provide you with clarity, tools, connections, resources, frameworks, and support to scale your business more quickly, help you build your platform, grow your audience,

and design a dream life where you have more time freedom.


The Synergy membership is a gift from Giovanni.

The only financial investment we ever ask you to make is for in person experiences, starting with our annual Synergy event taking place May 29-30 in Austin, Texas.

A ticket to the annual event is $3500 USD, or 3 monthly instalments of $1260.

After which, you’ll never need to invest in anything again.  You can stay in the Synergy membership for as long as you wish to be a member.

(And if you can't make the annual event, you can use your investment as a credit towards any future Synergy event in the next 3 years).

If you accept this invitation

Please follow these steps:

Get in touch


The first step is to get back to Giovanni and let him know
you've gone through the details of this page and you're "Ready to be a part of Synergy!"

and then...

Secure Your Spot!


Once you've reached out to Giovanni via messenger, He will send you a private link to reserve your event ticket.
We want to ensure your seat is reserved as it's the only commitment for becoming a member.


Join the FB Group


Once you reserved your spot at the event, confirm that with Gionvanni. He will then send you an invite to join the private Synergy Facebook group where you get to meet all the other members, connect, and get regular updates :)


Check your email


You’ll then receive a welcome email with the private Zoom link for our upcoming Tuesday Mastermind Sessions.

Make sure to add these to your calendar, so you can join live and make the most out of it!

That's It!


*We’ll hold your spot for 7 days from the date you receive this invitation.

So make sure to take action now and we'll see you on the other side...